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We met Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever!

Updated: Jun 11, 2022

On the 4th of June we went to Hay Festival, to see Paul Polman, the former CEO of Unilever! In the past PepsiCo and Unilever have done a lot of partnerships (for example Lipton ice tea). Paul was CEO for ten years (2009 - 2019), and co-wrote a book called ‘Net Positive’, it’s an amazing book! My favourite quote from the talk is ‘the biggest problem facing humanity is not climate change nor plastic not even inequality, but greed’. He pointed out that PepsiCo and CocaColaCo are both very competitive brands, so he suggested that we go for 20 Interceptors because PepsiCo will want to be the best at global, plastic waste cleanup. It was great meeting him!

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Zara (14) & Ashton (13) are siblings who started Hidden Plastic in 2020 "because we're very concerned about the global plastic problem...especially those we don't always see like microplastics." They're using their creativity and voices to help highlight the biggest and smallest issues of the global plastics problem. 


Learn more about them here:

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global coalition to eliminate plastic pollution

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5 Gyres Ambassadors

'Sea of manta rays'  print by Zara 2019

'Plastic Gull' digital art  by Ashton 2020

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Zara's fundraising site 'Octopus for Ukraine'...home of  50+ knitted octopuses up for adoption with certificates.

©Copyright Hidden Plastic 2020

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