Global Plastics Treaty (INC-2) in Paris
May 30th - June 1st, 2023
The UN-led 'Global Plastics Treaty' is a 4-year international effort between over 180 countries, business leaders and NGOs to address the 'out of control' problem that plastic pollution has become for our planet. UN member countries called for unified action in 2022. After 5 rounds of negotiations spanning to end of 2024, a policy document will be ratified to create the same rules and binding regulations for the ENTIRE life cycle of plastic irregardless of borders. This treaty could bring the END of single-use plastics around the world, if successful!
Hidden Plastic was honoured to have attended the second round of negotiations at INC-2 (which stands for 'Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee') in the Paris UNESCO building last spring 2023. And we recently attended INC-4 in Ottawa, Canada this past April spite of the fact that officially no 'under 18s' were allowed to register!
Ashton & Zara's active participation at these international events has highlighted that their generation is grossly under-represented, has an important voice to add to the negotiations, and SHOULD be included at the international table where important decisions are currently being made. Decisions that will most profoundly impact THEIR future!
help zara & ashton attend the final inc-5 in s. korea through their crowdfunding page HERE
INC-4 Ottawa
We attended INC-4
Global Plastics Treaty
in Ottawa, Canada
April 23-29th, 2024
Our Impact at INC-4:
Met with UK delegation (Defra) for 40 minutes!
Met with PepsiCo Lead Negotiator for 20 minutes!
Worked with the Global Youth Coalition on Plastic Pollution (GYCPP)
Attended side events on alternative packaging, youth justice and Polynesian Triangle
Met with The Scientists Coalition and High Ambition Coalition (HAC)
Met with Fiji, UK and US delegations
Helped host a side event for Youth with Planeteer Alliance
Brought HOPE to many of the adults that our generation will work alongside them to help bring an end to plastic pollution!
Above: In front of 'The Tap' art installation with Robin Okunowo (Captain Planet Foundation), Benjamin Von Wong (artist), Diego Arreola Fernandez and Dejea Lyons
CBC News - TV did an excellent feature on Ashton & Zara as some of the youngest delegates at INC-4!!
We met Professor Richard Thompson at the Alternative Packaging side-event sponsored by the University of Plymouth (image from their website)
Ashton & Zara in the main plenary with a few members of the GYCPP (aka 'Youth & Children')
Thank you so much to The Captain Planet Foundation and Planeteer Alliance for helping sponsor us & allowing us to use 2 of their five UNEP passes to get into INC-4!
INC-2 Paris