Hidden Plastic was founded in 2020 by two siblings, Zara (15) & Ashton (14). Their goal is to use homespun videos to educate about the dangers of plastics that go unseen - including microplastics - in the food we eat, air we breathe, our blood and especially in our oceans.
They like to highlight solutions too!

We're at the Global Plastics Treaty INC-5 in Busan, S. Korea!!
Follow our daily posts this week on Instagram and major events HERE on our website.
A HUGE thank you to the Captain Planet Foundation for allowing us to use their UNEP passes to get in! (in spite of the 'no under 18s' clause that is still in place)
'Plastic Elephant in the Room'
Global Plastics treaty

Speech by Panama delegation going viral around INC-5 from morning press conference on 'last day' 01-12-24
Excellent SkyNews interview about importance of the Global Plastics Treaty with Sian Sutherland, Founder
A Plastic Planet 29-11-24
QUNO-funded research paper brought to INC-5 with data to show that global plastic subsidies hit £45 BILLION in 2024. Inspiration to our latest video 'Plastic Elephant in the Room'! Downlonad & read full report.
'If Bottled Water Commercials Were Honest'
Made for INC-5 and our latest campaign 'The Droplet' - why use disposable plastic bottles when you can use water filters with reverse osmosis?
Note: Ashton did not learn to speak amazing French...this is AI!
We're in to INC-4!! Thanks to Captain Planet Foundation, our application was APPROVED (16-02-24) despite the fact that we're both under 18 yrs old!
Now we can represent the 'little things' that do a lot, like phyto & zooplankton, on the same stage with global leaders that can actually DO something to help.

'little things' - short animation highlighting what plankton and youth have in common! Made for the Global Plastics Treaty INC-4...
'Is Plastic Linked to Climate Change?' We believe - absolutely!
Our favourite dinosaur fossil (Bertha - from 'Dinosaurs v Plastic') returns to talk about the scary problems of plastic waste with our newest character, ‘Ollie Burns’ the oil company executive. Bertha explains why making more plastic from oil actually worsens the climate crisis. And she’s pretty up-to-date on her plastic facts for a dinosaur!
Full version (4mins):
oil exec Ollie Burns meets our favourite dinosaur fossil Bertha!
Short: Just the Facts about Plastic Waste

On March 16th, 2024 we gave a talk at the CPF Annual Gala in Atlanta, GA about how the Captain Planet Foundation has helped to support Hidden Plastic in various ways the past few years. In fact, Hidden Plastic may never have existed without 'Ocean Heroes Virtual Bootcamp' in 2020, which gave us the support we needed to launch our campaign. We loved the supportive audience & even received a standing ovation!
We're so excited to have launched our NEW Hidden Plastic Film Studio on September 15th... watch the ribbon-cutting event with our favourite positive news influencer Sam Bentley! Huge THANK YOU to the
Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Fellowship Program for their generous $2,500 grant to make it all possible!
Global Plastics Treaty (INC-2) in Paris
May 30th - June 1st, 2023

Zara & Ashton helped the Global Youth Coalition for Plastic Pollution to draft an intervention (speech) to the INC-2 plenary Contact Group 1. Ashton read it after all UN member countries were finished...and woke up the room with thunderous applause!
Watch it here ---->

We had a live interview with Maggie at Overheated London 2023!
We had such a great time at the event and loved meeting so many wonderful people, who care a lot about the planet. Thank you Maggie, Billie and the Overheated Team for such an amazing opportunity!
Solution Series: SuperSeaweed.org
Solution Series #4:
In this 4th episode of the ‘Heroes of Algae’ series, Lisa Boulton talks us about her work @Nestlé and how they are using seaweed in their products, in petcare and beyond. She also tells us about some of seaweeds use cases, such as for use in agriculture as fertiliser, etc…
Solution Series #3:
Zara interviewed Pierre Paslier, co-founder of Notpla. They are making alternatives to oil-based plastic out of seaweed (and plants too)...and they are the 2022 Earthshot Prize winners for the Waste-Free World category!
Watch 'Recap'... our FINAL video to PepsiCo highlighting the core messages of all our 15+ videos over the past one year of campaigning! View more HERE
Vox 'Now This' channel made a 3-minute feature about our campaign in Summer 2022
(it reached over 150,00 views!)
Microplastic pollution is in our food, water and bodies
We are guessing that you know all about the mountains of plastic piling up on land and floating in the seas. However, did you know we also have a serious problem with small pieces of plastic that break up and are EVERYWHERE? They get eaten by animals, float in our air and are being found in our food supply. Humans, animals, plants and the air all have tiny fragments of plastic...and no one knows how harmful this is to our bodies or our Planet. Watch our 'edu-taining' videos to explore this question of 'How we deal with Hidden Plastic?'.
The Problem with
Washing Machines
Learn about how washing machine filters work to stop microfibres from escaping form our clothes. You can use our link below to get 10% off the PlanetCare filter we've been trying out.
"Did you know?"
3 fascinating facts about plastic
Our favourite online resource to learn all about plastics! (and it's free)
dinosaurs vs. plastic
Help end UK fossil fuels subsidies totalling £16bn since the Paris Agreement!
Plastic Breakdown
(our first video)
#plasticbreakdown #oceanheroes
We started 2 years ago with Ocean Heroes bootcamp, which has become the newly formed Planeteer Alliance. They can help with expert guidance, networking & tools to start your own campaign for change through monthly bootcamps.
'Did You Know?' Dangers of micro & nanoplastics:
from farm to fork
If you thought that taking a bite of salad was harmless, think again. There are hidden micrograms of plastic in fruits and vegetables, according to a recent study.
Micro-plastics even leech out of plastic packaging and containers into your food. No wonder we consume at least 5 grams of plastic every week…equivalent to one whole credit card!
Watch the video below to learn more (with the sea bird that really is a chicken in disguise):
Eaten by sea, air & land creatures
Most people have seen the dead animals that have consumed microplastics after mistaking it for food. The extent of the global problem is still not completely understood.
And it’s not just a problem with the unlucky few that die, but most animals still have plastic in their diet…including us!
There are a few good sites that look into this problem in greater depth, which you can find here.
In salt & fresh water
Water…a clear liquid that all life on Earth depends on. Yet, many sources of water now contains many particles of micro- plastics.
Some come from municipal water sheds that drain off from roads, taking particles of plastic from tires and other debris with them. We also put particles of plastic into our water supplies each time we use our washing machines and certain cleaning products.
Even in the air we breathe
Take a breath. Then imagine that breath you took contains many microfibres that come off clothing and plastic products that break down. Even if you can’t see them, research has shown that they are there and cause negative effects to humans by getting into our lungs.
We can’t stop it any more than a filter feeder can, like the manta ray when it breathes in microplastics underwater.
"Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act"
-Albert Einstein

Tips for Plastic-free Living
Wash & reuse anything you can / stop thinking ‘disposable’
Carry your own refillable water bottle / filter water at home
Buy products without plastic if possible (support local fruit & veg vendors)
Carry your own reusable shopping bags
Buy locally and ask for unwrapped or waxed paper / beeswax wrap is great for sandwiches
Collect soft plastic bags to recycle at grocery stores (Tesco, Sainsbury, etc).
If soft plastic recycling is not available in your country, then throw ALL plastic bags away. Otherwise, as they recycle could end up in the ocean being mistaken for food like a jellyfish.
If buying plastic packaging is the only option, go LARGE (bulk buy to last longer)
Refill jars & containers from bulk sellers of food & cleaning products
Take cutlery & reusable straws with you everywhere
Buy products in glass bottle if possible (ie. milk, ketchup)
Try shampoo & soap bars to reduce plastic in the bathroom