On the 31st of May 2022, I saw Vincent Doumeizel at Hay Festival. His talk was called ‘the seaweed revolution’, and as the title suggests, was about the many uses for seaweed. It was amazing how he captivated the whole tent because he was speaking so passionately about seaweed. He talked about how there are over 12,000 types of seaweed, and all of them are edible! There are three categories for seaweed: red, green and brown. He also talked about the many uses for seaweed including an alternative to plastic, global warming reduction, in natural fibres, a huge nutrition source and loads more! At the end of the talk we went up to him and told him about Hidden Plastic and how I have been passionate about seaweed for a while. He then gave me his details, festival flower and an edible olive oil sachet made from seaweed!
More (exciting) seaweed related news to come soon!
Vincent wrote a book called ‘La Revolution des Algues’ (the seaweed revolution) which is currently available to buy in French. (English translation not out just yet) you can find it here.