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Diahann (mum)

Many thanks to ‘Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty’ (Biz4GPT)

Hidden Plastic was grateful to have represented the Planeteer Alliance (Captain Planet Foundation) in the Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty's pre-INC-2 webinar sessions, and met some of their team (John and Ambro) on the ground in Paris. The Biz4GPT has been endorsed by over 100 organisations, including many that produce and/or utilise plastic for their products and packaging.

This voluntary group has been brought together by the WWF and Ellen McArthur Foundation, so that together they can share ideas and solutions for how global businesses can eliminate plastic pollution by utilising a circular economy model. Many leading businesses want a treaty with ‘legally-binding global rules and measures to drive change on a global scale’ that establishes strict guidelines across industry sectors, and outlines core policy obligations for national governments to enforce.

The treaty would create an even playing field for all global companies that currently use plastic, which is important to prevent companies ignoring strict plastic regulations from having a price advantage IF they don’t internalise the true environmental costs of using cheap plastic.

Hidden Plastic has been encouraged to see that 8 of the 10 worst single-use plastic polluting companies in the world have signed up voluntarily to this Business Coalition (including PepsiCo - as reported in Hidden Plastic's 'Breaking News' video in September).

Our big question: when are P&G and Philip-Morris joining too?

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